Building the cabin was a hard, but uplifting experience.
The log cabin took over a two- year period to build, mostly during sawdust infused weekends. Click here to read our son’s article about his take on the process; jus the “Article” Tab. We bought the ten-inch logs from a local man who builds log cabins and owns a lumberyard. The logs were harvested from this man’s sustainable forest. We tried to incorporate recycled and reused materials as well as new green products, such as radiant-heat bamboo flooring and curtains.
Tim just finished putting on the first layer for the roof.
It was the longest time before we actually had stairs to the house.
My son learning how to use a backhoe. How cool is that!
I am happy to share that no major injuries or appendages were lost during construction.
Tim is building the framework for the walls.
Tim is installing bamboo flooring.
I learned how to cut tile and tile a bathroom, put stones on the fireplace, use a nail gun for putting-up the walls and an electric screw driver for kitchen knobs and electrical outlets, and stain the deck, but to tell the truth, I felt most comfortable cleaning and cooking.
Our son, his friend and Tim were building the deck. Whenever possible, Tim would use the trees on our land that had to come down to make room for the cabin in actual construction.